Lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb: "Leej twg hais tias kuv ua tsis tau high-end qauv?"?

BYD yeej tsis tau tso tseg rau kev tshawb fawb ntxiv thiab kev tsim cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate Blade roj teeb yuav hloov kev lag luam kev cia siab rau ternary roj teeb, rov qab txoj kev thev naus laus zis ntawm cov roj teeb hluav taws xob mus rau txoj cai, thiab rov kho cov qauv kev nyab xeeb rau lub zog tshiab.
Thaum Lub Peb Hlis 29, 2020, Wang Chuanfu, Tus Thawj Coj thiab Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm BYD, tau hais nrog cov lus zoo li riam ntawm lub rooj sib tham ntawm cov roj teeb.
Qhov teeb meem ntawm ternary lithium lossis lithium hlau phosphate tau ntsib los ntawm lub tuam txhab tsheb tshiab BOSS ntau dua ib zaug.Yav dhau los, nws tau dav ntseeg nyob rau hauv daim ntawv thov kev lag luam sab uas ternary lithium roj teeb thiab lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb yuav txuas ntxiv mus rau ib sab yav tom ntej.Txawm li cas los xij, cov qauv high-end uas tsom mus rau kev ua haujlwm siab yuav txuas ntxiv siv ternary lithium roj teeb, thaum cov qauv uas tsom mus rau nruab nrab mus rau qis kawg kev lag luam thiab hais txog kev siv nyiaj yuav siv lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb.
Txawm li cas los xij, niaj hnub no cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate tsis xav li ntawd.Lawv tsis yog tsuas yog tsom rau ntawm kev ua lag luam nruab nrab mus rau qis kawg nkaus xwb, tab sis kuj yog nyob rau ntawm lub lag luam high-end ntawm lub zog tshiab.Lawv kuj xav sib tw nrog ternary lithium roj teeb.
Tus nqi qis txhais tau tias nws yuav tsum tsuas yog rau qhov qis kawg?
Los ntawm txoj kev xav, qhov sib txawv ntawm cov yam ntxwv ntawm ternary lithium roj teeb thiab lithium hlau phosphate yog qhov tseem ceeb heev.Ternary Lithium roj teeb muaj lub zog siab ntom thiab qhov kev ua tau zoo tsawg.Txawm li cas los xij, vim muaj cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov hlau hnyav xws li cobalt, lawv cov khoom siv raw cov nqi siab dua thiab lawv cov khoom siv tshuaj muaj zog dua, ua rau lawv yooj yim rau thermal khiav;Thiab cov yam ntxwv ntawm lithium hlau phosphate yog qhov zoo sib xws rau ternary, nrog ntau lub voj voog thiab cov nqi raw khoom qis dua.
Nyob rau hauv 2016, lub peev xwm ntsia tau ntawm domestic lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb ib zaug accounted rau 70%, tab sis nrog lub ceev ceev ntawm ternary lithium roj teeb nyob rau hauv lub tshav pob ntawm lub zog tshiab neeg nrog caij tsheb, lub peev xwm ntawm lub lithium hlau phosphate lag luam txuas ntxiv mus rau 30. % hauv 2019.
Xyoo 2020, nrog kev tshwm sim ntawm cov roj teeb phosphate xws li cov roj teeb hniav, cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate tau maj mam lees paub hauv cov neeg caij tsheb ua lag luam vim lawv cov nqi-zoo thiab cov kev hloov pauv hauv kev them nyiaj rau cov tsheb tshiab, thiab kev lag luam pib rov zoo;Xyoo 2021, cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate tau ua tiav qhov kev thim rov qab ntawm ternary lithium roj teeb raws li kev tsim khoom thiab teeb tsa lub peev xwm.Txog niaj hnub no, cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate tseem nyob hauv feem ntau ntawm kev ua lag luam.
Raws li cov ntaub ntawv tshiab los ntawm Tuam Tshoj Automotive Fais Fab Roj Teeb Kev Lag Luam Kev Lag Luam Kev Lag Luam Kev Lag Luam, cov khoom tsim muaj peev xwm ntawm cov roj teeb hluav taws xob hauv Suav teb txij lub Ib Hlis mus txog Lub Ob Hlis xyoo no yog 38.1 GWh, ib xyoos ib zaug nce ntawm 27.5%.Lub peev xwm nruab nrab ntawm ternary lithium roj teeb yog 12.2GWh, suav txog 31.9% ntawm tag nrho cov teeb tsa muaj peev xwm thiab ib xyoo-rau-xyoo txo ​​ntawm 7.5%;Lub peev xwm txhim kho ntawm lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb yog 25.9 GWh, suav txog 68.0% ntawm tag nrho cov peev txheej, nrog rau kev nce xyoo ntawm 55.4%.
Roj teeb Network tau pom tias ntawm tus nqi theem, lub lag luam tseem ceeb rau lub zog tshiab tsheb hauv Suav teb tam sim no nyob rau hauv thaj tsam ntawm 100000 txog 200000 yuan.Hauv kev lag luam niche no, cov neeg siv khoom muaj kev txhawj xeeb ntau ntxiv txog kev hloov pauv ntawm tus nqi, thiab cov yam ntxwv qis ntawm lithium hlau phosphate tau pom meej ntau dua hauv kab.Yog li ntawd, nyob rau hauv daim ntawv thov kev lag luam kawg, cov tuam txhab tsheb feem ntau yuav siv cov qauv nruab nrog lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb ua cov khoom tshwj xeeb los txhawb kev muag khoom thiab tsom mus rau cov txiaj ntsig zoo.
Txawm li cas los xij, nws tsim nyog sau cia tias tus nqi qis tuaj yeem ua tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov qauv qis kawg, tab sis nws tsis yog tshwj xeeb rau cov qauv qis.
Yav dhau los, cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate tau poob qab hauv kev sib tw nrog ternary lithium roj teeb vim kev ua haujlwm tsis zoo.Txawm li cas los xij, tam sim no cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate tau tsim sai heev nyob rau xyoo tas los no, nrog kev txhim kho tseem ceeb hauv cov roj teeb kev ua tau zoo ntxiv rau cov nqi zoo.Los ntawm kev tso tawm tam sim no ntawm lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb los ntawm cov tuam txhab roj teeb loj thiab cov tuam txhab tsheb tshiab lub zog, nws tuaj yeem pom tau tias lawv tsuas yog tsom mus rau kev txhim kho cov khoom lag luam hauv cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov qauv, kev siv ntim khoom, thiab kev siv thev naus laus zis.
Siv BYD hniav roj teeb ua piv txwv, thaum tswj kev nyab xeeb thiab lub neej ntev, cov roj teeb tuaj yeem hla cov qauv thaum sib koom ua ke, txhim kho kev siv ntim ntau.Lub zog ceev ntawm lawv cov pob roj teeb tuaj yeem nyob ze rau ntawm ternary lithium roj teeb.Nws tau tshaj tawm tias nrog kev txhawb nqa ntawm cov roj teeb hniav, lub peev xwm nruab ntawm BYD cov roj teeb hluav taws xob tau nce ntxiv.
Raws li EVtank cov ntaub ntawv, hauv 2023, raws li kev sib tw toj roob hauv pes ntawm cov tuam txhab roj teeb hluav taws xob loj hauv ntiaj teb, BYD nyob rau qib thib ob nrog kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb ntawm 14.2%.
Tsis tas li ntawd, Jike tau tshaj tawm nws thawj qhov tsim tawm 800V lithium hlau phosphate ultrafast charging roj teeb - lub roj teeb kub kub.Raws li txoj cai, qhov ntim siv ntawm BRICS roj teeb nce mus txog 83.7%, nrog lub zog them siab tshaj plaws ntawm 500kW thiab qhov siab tshaj plaws them tus nqi ntawm 4.5C.Tam sim no, BRICS roj teeb tau raug tso tawm thawj zaug ntawm Extreme Krypton 007.
GAC Aion kuj tau tshaj tawm ua ntej tias tag nrho pawg nws tus kheej tsim thiab tsim nws tus kheej P58 microcrystalline super zog roj teeb yuav raug coj mus offline.Lub roj teeb siv GAC txoj kev ywj pheej lithium hlau phosphate thev naus laus zis, uas muaj qhov zoo ntawm lub roj teeb lub neej thiab tag nrho lub zog ceev.
Ntawm cov chaw tsim khoom roj teeb, thaum Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 2023, Honeycomb Energy tshaj tawm tias hauv BEV teb, lub tuam txhab yuav tshaj tawm ob qhov tshwj xeeb ntawm lithium hlau phosphate luv luv riam ceev them lub hlwb, L400 thiab L600, hauv 2024. Raws li txoj kev npaj, riam luv luv. Kev them nyiaj ceev ceev raws li L600 yuav npog 3C-4C qhov xwm txheej thiab xav tias yuav tsim khoom loj hauv peb lub hlis twg ntawm 2024;Cov riam luv luv ultra ceev them xov tooj raws li L400 yuav npog 4C thiab ntau dua magnification scenarios, ntsib lub mainstream 800V high-voltage tsheb qauv hauv khw.Nws yuav loj-tsim nyob rau hauv lub quarter thib plaub ntawm 2024.
Ningde Era, Lithium Hlau Phosphate, Shenxing Supercharged Roj teeb
Thaum Lub Yim Hli 2023, Ningde Times tau tso tawm Shenxing Supercharged Battery, uas yog lub ntiaj teb thawj lithium hlau phosphate 4C roj teeb rov qab.Nrog rau kev sib koom ua ke siab thiab pab pawg ua tau zoo ntawm CTP3.0 thev naus laus zis, nws tuaj yeem them rau 10 feeb, muaj thaj tsam ntawm 400 mais, thiab muaj qhov ntev ntev ntawm 700 mais.Nws tseem tuaj yeem ua tiav kev them nyiaj ceev hauv txhua qhov kub thiab txias.
Nws tau tshaj tawm tias txij li nws tso tawm, Shenxing Supercharged Battery tau lees paub kev koom tes nrog ntau lub tuam txhab tsheb xws li GAC, Chery, Avita, Nezha, Jihu, thiab Lantu.Tam sim no, nws tau raug tsim tawm hauv cov qauv xws li Chery Star Era ET thiab 2024 Extreme Krypton 001.
Nws yog ib qho tsim nyog hais tias kev lag luam roj teeb hluav taws xob txawv teb chaws yeej ib txwm muaj los ntawm ternary lithium roj teeb.Txawm li cas los xij, vim muaj kev loj hlob sai ntawm domestic lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb thev naus laus zis, muaj zog ruaj khov, lub neej ntev lub neej, kev nyab xeeb kev ua haujlwm zoo, tus nqi qis thiab lwm yam zoo, ntau lub tuam txhab tsheb thoob ntiaj teb tam sim no npaj siab los nruab lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb.
Yav dhau los, tau tshaj tawm tias Tesla CEO Musk tau thov tias ob feem peb ntawm Tesla lub tsheb yav tom ntej yuav siv lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb;Stellantis Group kuj tau kos npe rau daim ntawv cog lus ntawm kev nkag siab nrog CATL, pom zoo tias CATL yuav muab cov roj teeb hlwb thiab cov qauv ntawm lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb rau Stellantis Group hauv zos hauv Europe;Ford tab tom tsim lub tuam txhab lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb hauv Michigan, Tebchaws Asmeskas, thiab CATL muab kev pabcuam thiab kev pabcuam rau nws
Puas yog ternary lithium yuav tsum yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws?
Lub Ob Hlis 25th, lub zog hluav taws xob ntshiab supercar Yangwang U9 nyob rau hauv Yangwang Tsheb tau pib ntawm tus nqi ntawm 1.68 lab yuan, nrog lub siab tshaj plaws horsepower ntawm tshaj 1300Ps thiab lub siab tshaj plaws torque ntawm 1680N · m.Lub sijhawm ntsuas 0-100km / h acceleration tuaj yeem ncav cuag 2.36s.Sib nrug los ntawm cov khoom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm lub tsheb nws tus kheej, U9 tseem siv cov roj teeb hniav.
Cov lus qhia tau hais tias cov hniav roj teeb uas muaj nyob rau ntawm U9 tuaj yeem ua tiav qhov kev tso tawm tsis tu ncua, ua kom txias txias, roj teeb overcharging, thiab tswj qhov kub thiab txias.Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, nws tau nruab nrog ob rab phom overcharging thev naus laus zis thiab muaj lub zog them siab tshaj plaws ntawm 500kW.
Raws li cov ntaub ntawv thov los ntawm Ministry of Industry thiab Information Technology, Yangwang U9 tau nruab nrog 80kWh hniav roj teeb, nrog lub roj teeb hnyav ntawm 633kg thiab lub zog ceev ntawm 126Wh / kg.Raws li tag nrho lub zog ntawm 80kWh, qhov siab tshaj plaws them tus nqi ntawm Yangwang U9 tau mus txog 6C lossis siab dua, thiab ntawm lub zog siab tshaj plaws ntawm 960kW, lub siab tshaj plaws tawm ntawm lub roj teeb yog siab li 12C.Lub zog ua tau zoo ntawm cov hniav roj teeb no tuaj yeem piav qhia tias yog huab tais ntawm lithium hlau phosphate.
Saib ntawm daim ntawv thov cov ntaub ntawv ntawm U7 Ministry of Industry thiab Information Technology
Saib ntawm daim ntawv thov cov ntaub ntawv ntawm U7 Ministry of Industry thiab Information Technology
Tsis tas li ntawd, tsis ntev los no, Look Up U7 kuj tau tshaj tawm los ntawm Ministry of Industry thiab Information Technology, tso nws tus kheej ua lub tsheb loj loj ntshiab hluav taws xob nrog lub cev loj ntawm 5265/1998/1517mm, D-chav kawm tsheb, qhov hnyav. ntawm 3095kg, lub roj teeb ntawm 903kg, lub zog ntawm 135.5kWh, thiab lub zog ceev ntawm 150Wh / kg.Nws tseem yog lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb.
Nyob rau hauv lub dhau los, tag nrho cov high-performance ntshiab hluav taws xob tsheb qauv yam tsis muaj kev zam siv lub zog tshwj xeeb ternary lithium roj teeb los xyuas kom meej cov kev ua tau zoo dua tsis.Saib ntawm qhov kev ua tau zoo ntawm ob lab qib high-end tsheb qauv siv lithium hlau phosphate uas tsis tsawg tshaj li ternary lithium roj teeb, nws txaus los ua pov thawj lub npe ntawm lithium hlau phosphate.
Yav dhau los, thaum BYD tso tawm nws lithium hlau phosphate hniav roj teeb, kev lag luam sab hauv tau hais tias BYD tuaj yeem tsim "ternary hniav roj teeb" tom qab nws cov thev naus laus zis loj tuaj, tab sis tam sim no nws zoo li qhov no tsis yog li ntawd.Qee qhov kev xav tau qhia tias los ntawm kev siv cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate hauv cov qauv high-end, BYD tau nthuav tawm kev ntseeg siab ntawm nws tus kheej thev naus laus zis rau cov neeg siv khoom thiab rhuav tshem kev lag luam kev tsis ntseeg txog lithium hlau phosphate.Txhua hom roj teeb muaj nws qhov tshwj xeeb zoo thiab tuaj yeem ci hauv cov xwm txheej siv sib txawv.
2024 Extreme Krypton 001 Fais Fab Cov Ntaub Ntawv Cov Ntaub Ntawv Daim Duab / Huab Krypton
2024 Extreme Krypton 001 Fais Fab Cov Ntaub Ntawv Cov Ntaub Ntawv Daim Duab / Huab Krypton
Tsis tas li ntawd, Roj Teeb Network tau pom tias 2024 Extreme Krypton 001 tau tshaj tawm tsis ntev los no.WE version tau muab faib ua ob lub roj teeb, txhua qhov nruab nrog Ningde Times 4C Kirin roj teeb thiab 5C Shenxing roj teeb, nrog tus nqi pib ntawm 269000 yuan.
Ntawm lawv, Kirin roj teeb yog ternary system nrog tag nrho lub zog ntawm 100kWh, lub zog ceev ntawm 170Wh / kg, 10 ~ 80% SOC them lub sijhawm ntawm 15 feeb, qhov siab tshaj plaws them nqi ntawm 4C, qhov nruab nrab ntawm 2.8C. , thiab CLTC ntau ntawm 750km (rov log tsav qauv);Lub roj teeb Shenxing yog lithium hlau phosphate system nrog tag nrho lub zog ntawm 95kWh, lub zog ceev ntawm 131Wh / kg, 10 ~ 80% SOC them lub sijhawm ntawm 11.5 feeb, lub siab tshaj plaws them nqi ntawm 5C, qhov nruab nrab ntawm 3.6C, thiab CLTC ntau yam ntawm 675km (plaub-log tsav qauv).
Vim qhov txo tus nqi ntawm lithium hlau phosphate, tus nqi ntawm Geely Krypton 001 Shenxing roj teeb version yog raws li cov Kirin roj teeb version.Raws li lub hauv paus no, lub sijhawm them ceev ntawm Shenxing roj teeb nrawm dua li ntawm Kirin roj teeb, thiab CLTC ntau yam ntawm cov qauv tsav tsheb plaub-log tsav tsuas yog 75km qis dua li ntawm Kirin roj teeb lub log tsav tsheb qauv.
Nws tuaj yeem pom tau tias nyob rau hauv cov khoom lag luam tam sim no, ntawm cov tsheb hauv tib tus nqi ntau, cov roj teeb lithium hlau phosphate yog tus nqi ntau dua li ternary lithium roj teeb.
Nws tau nkag siab tias Ningde Times Shenxing Supercharged Battery tau koom tes tsim nrog ntau lub tuam txhab tsheb, suav nrog GAC los koom ua ke tsim Shenxing Roj Teeb "Low Temperature Edition" thiab "Long Life Edition";Tsim Shenxing Battery Long Life L Series nrog Nezha Motors


maus taus roj teebmaus taus roj teebmaus taus roj teeb

Post lub sij hawm: Mar-21-2024